GCh Sagenhaft’s Bold Ruler JH, CD, B, VKey
CincinnatiOH, United States

More Details
GCh Sagenhaft’s Bold Ruler JH, CD, B, VKey
Born April 2011
Preservation Type: Fresh Chilled, Frozen, Natural
Key earned his championship at 14 mos with 3 majors all from the Bred By class, followed quickly with his Grand CH. He has beautiful breed type and excellent movement.
General & Lineage Health History
Key is OFA certified hips, elbows, thyroid, heart, Cerf eyes, complete dentition, HYPM is N/N, HUU is N/HU and SD is N/N
Titles & Stats
His BN title was earned with placements and he completed his CD title shortly after. He earned his JH with scores of 8's & 9's and exhibited a natural back instinct. Key earned his Grand Championship with 6 major wins. All titles earned breeder/owner handled.