Ch Cutwater High Hopes
Portuguese Water Dog
ChesterCT, United States

More Details
Ch Cutwater High Hopes
Born December 2002June 2014
Preservation Type: Frozen
Black curly excellent type
General & Lineage Health History
Healthy dog, produced well,
Sire: Ch Helm's ALee North Star CCD OFA CERF
Dam: Cutwater Hopes and Dreams OFA CERF
All parent's health checks at time of breeding were in line with PWDCA Policy
Higgins died of a brain tumor - he was necropsied with the Georgie Project.
Titles & Stats
Hips OFA 3968G24M
Elbows Normal PW-EL1085M24-PI
OptiGen PRA/EOPRA normal
GM-1 Normal
JDCM Normal
DNA#s V369668 & V319192
last CERF was 12/16/13 normal
Owner's Comments
Higgins lived with the Gropp family in Darien and was the most wonderful PWD they ever had!..Healthy, and he produced many pups. He has also produced from a frozen breeding.